
March 2014 Dividend Income

End of March is here and I am glad it is behind us. I say this because I live near Chicago, IL and this weather has been miserable. I am becoming more inclined to pack up my belongings and move to Florida any minute now. I say this because I am much more of a slippers type of guy anyways. Though, I can not say that for sure yet, but we will see what the future brings.

At least the dividend income has been significantly greater this month. This was primarily due to a few of my current holding companies increasing their dividend payouts as well as past acquisitions providing me more shares. I received a total of $266.47 for this month of March through 18 different companies.  Nice chunk of change. It literarily feels like I am climbing stairs month after month with this strategy. It is also becoming much more lucrative income than I originally expected.

Total – $266.47

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