
Stock Buy $VZ

Verizon Company LogoI am very sure everyone knows this company or have seen their logo multiple times throughout their lives. Verizon is one of the communication giants that control so much of the whole communication industry. Only a few companies control the whole industry making it a great oligopoly to own and a strong addition to my current ownership of AT&T. Now, this is not a new ownership to my portfolio, it is an addition to the current shares of VZ.

Verizon Communications Inc. is one of the worlds leading providers of communications, information and entertainment products. It offers its products and services pretty much to anyone including consumers, businesses and government agencies throughout 150 countries around the world. It pretty much has its hand in every singe type of industry and the way mobile is going I see huge potential for this communication behemoth.

I purchased 21 shares for the price of $46.95 adding $46.20 to my annual income.

The 12-month dividend income increased to $2,147.

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