
April 2014 Dividend Income

April has been one hell of a roller coaster of a month for unrealized gains or losses. Though as a long term investor, I try to keep my blinders on in order keeping myself focused on the real stuff, the dividend income. This stream of dividends consisted of 7 unique companies paying me due to the fact that I hold ownership in the form of shares. April 2014 has generated me $102.96, which is an increase of 2,387.5% from April 2013.

I just wanted to point out that investor class differs greatly from working class because the board of directors for each company are trying to make owners or shareholders happy. This is when you see significantly higher pay raises for investors than working class due to the fact that board of directors are voted in by common shareholders of the businesses. The pay raises come in a form of dividend increases that we have seen quite a few so far at the beginning of this year. Some of my own recent dividend raises include PG 7%, KMI 2.4%, JNJ 6.1%, CVX 7% and RDS.B 4.4%. Employers are not always guaranteed for a pay increase every year, but to Dividend Growth Investor it is the norm.

Total – $102.96

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